Location: Glens Falls, upstate New York

Lee reviews regional books for the Saratogian (a newspaper in upstate New York) and has written reviews and freelance journalism for other upstate New York newspapers, including the Post Star, Chronicle and The Times Union. He writes book reviews for scribesworld .com and independently for subsidy, p.o.d, and online authors. Some of his reviews can be seen on and blogger OALA Reviews. He writes a book review and dvd review blog for IntheFray. Lee is a published poet and the winner of the 1995 Parnassus Award for Poetry. A nation wide Spamku contest was inspired by his award winning poem "Spam Man". He is an award winning playwright and a co-founder and an artistic director of TCA (Triumvirate Creative Artists) (TCA is currently on hiatus as of 2006) an upstate New York production company that organized The First Annual Upstate New York Poetry Festival. He was a co-founder, artistic director and a resident playwright with the now defunct Random Act Players, an original works and repertory theater company in upstate New York. Lee lives in upstate New York near the Adirondack Mountains with his wife, three daughters and four aliens disguised as cats.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

By Oleg I. Reznic, M.D.

“Primum Non Nocere”

House, E.R. and Grays Anatomy are not realistic portrayals of the American medical system. According to Dr. Resnik physicians are so afraid of litigation that any deviation from pre-set protocols to treat the patient as an individual and not the so-called disease is unusual. Doctors like Greg House, John Carter would be immediately dismissed and find it impossible to acquire mal-practice insurance. It is chilling to think that the media inspired idea of the omnipotent good-hearted doctor like Marcus Welby or reassuring throaty voiced Dr. Kelly Bracket from Emergency is so false.
When sickness strikes us or a loved one, we expect that in this technological twenty-first century age of marvels that just like our cars or appliances that have ‘crapped the bed’:
A. We can be fixed with some kind of medication or therapy.
B. Our parts can be removed and replaced and we can continue our lives already in progress and unabated
Doctor Reznik has pried our heads from the sand, removed our rose-colored glasses and has cut off our source of pap from the glass teat. He has taught us to advocate for ourselves and ask questions, even while the insurance and pharmaceutical behemoths perpetuate the myth that an American homeostasis of mental and physical health is only one more pill, test or procedure away.


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